Family: Watson at La Jolla

Congrats to this Navy Chief! This is a huge promotion in the Navy and this family wanted to celebrate by taking some family portraits. I really enjoyed getting to know each and every single person in this family. They just moved to San Diego from Japan and we all know I love Japan and could talk about it for days. Mom and I even laughed about adjusting to driving on American roads after moving back from Japan. Their youngest child told me I was a very happy person and that just about made my life.

La Jolla is hands down my favorite beach location in San Diego. Every single time I am there it has a completely different look, which gives each session a unique feel. Depending on the tide level there are tons of rock or just a bright blue background. The last few minutes of the day offer the most beautiful light and if we are lucky some great colors in the sky. I fall in love with this location every single time I have a session here.

We took a bunch of photos with Chief Watson in uniform and then did a quick outfit change to get a few of him in regular clothes. Scroll down to see some of my favorites - including the crazy fun confetti photo I convinced them to let me take. I mean hello, we are celebrating here and they were all about it!!!

Congrats again, Chief Watson!!


Maternity: Meagan at Balboa Park


Maternity: Sarah in Santa Barbara