Cherry Blossoms: Parente Family

Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom and man, oh man, they are BREATHTAKING! I totally get the hype on this beautiful season in Japan.  I am that person who drives down the street constantly stopping my car to stare at the random flowers and trees throughout our neighborhood hahah!  I seriously don't want the blossoms to ever go away. Okay now back to this session.  I believe it is important to give back to the community and donated a photo session to AOSA (Atsugi Officers' Spouses' Association) and Sophia won the raffle so she decided to do a Cherry Blossom session.  I also spent weeks searching for the best location and this river walk was finally in bloom so it was all perfection for this family session (including their amazing clothing selection).  When the kids got tired of being photographed we put them in the back corner and took some intimate photos of mom and dad.  What a great start to my second weekend of cherry blossoms photos! <3


Cherry Blossoms: Lei & Ed


Cherry Blossoms: Pohan Family