Get to know us: Travis & Miranda

The month of LOVE is February so what better time to tell you a little bit more about Travis and me!

How’d you guys meet? At a tailgating party at Virginia Tech

First Date? Travis flew to CA and we had our first date at a Mexican restaurant #tacos

How long have you been together? 7 years

Married? 6 years this year!!

Age difference? 6 months (Miranda is older!)

Who was interested first? Miranda saw Travis first and knew he was the guy she was going to marry one day. Only took seven years for their world’s to collide together.

Who is taller? Travis

Who said I love you first? Miranda, by accident and tried to take it back because she thought it was too early to say it.

Most impatient? Miranda. Travis is as mellow as can be!

Most sensitive? Tough to say. Most likely equally sensitive. It depends on the situation.

Loudest? Miranda, hahah

Most stubborn? Miranda

Falls asleep first? Travis and Miranda is super jealous about this!

Cooks better? Travis - he has kitchen skills for sure.

Better morning person? Both of us are not morning people. Travis needs about an hour to wake up and coffee!

Better driver? Let’s just say Travis does all the driving when they go places together.

Most competitive? Miranda likes to win, but so does Travis??!? so tied?

Funniest? Travis is all about those dad jokes

Where do you eat at most as a couple? We love PB Fish shop. It’s a short walk from our house and the perfect place to get tacos and a beer.

Who is more social? Mostly tied on this one

Who is the neat freak? Tied on this as well. We both can’t stand clutter or a messy home!

Where was your first kiss? A balcony in Virginia Tech watching a thunderstorm.

Who initiated your first kiss? Travis!

How long did it take to get serious? Seven years after we met we started dating.

Who picks where you go to dinner? Usually we switch off deciding on a restaurant.

Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? Travis, although Miranda is working on this!

Who wears the pants in the relationship? Neither!

Who has more tattoos? Travis

Who sings better? Miranda is tone deaf, so definitely Travis.

Spends the most? We both have our things we love to indulge on.

Did you go to the same school? Nope, didn’t grow up in the same place!

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together? We lived in Japan so that is probably the winner and as far as Travel - Peru!

Amy Gray Photography.jpg

Malia: Sweet Valentine


Portrait: Samantha