Maternity: Julia at Smathers Beach

Meet Julia and Anton! This whole session I kept saying to myself "Is this real life???" For real, I was drooling (in my mind) on how beautiful, real, sexy and loving this couple was towards each other. These two lovebirds are from Russia, which was super cool to find out! It was fun to watch as Julia had to translate a lot of my English on the posing instructions - If you have met me I speak super fast, hahah and when I get excited about photography I am sure I speak super duper fast.

They drove down from Miami to have me take their photos - eeeekkk! The pressure was REAL. We spent a lovely evening chasing the sunlight and waiting for the sun to set to get that super soft, colorful light - my favorite! It was wonderful finishing our photo session in the water - I am madly in LOVE with those photos as the water was smooth as glass. I had way too many favorites from this, but below are my top ones.

We chitchatted a lot about life and travel. I really felt like these two were my best friends by the end of this session. Julia gave me the best compliment ever as they were leaving. She said before the session she was super nervous about how to move and what to do. However, I was super friendly and made it easy for her by all my directing and pose ideas. I LOVED hearing that, as it is always my goal to make each session as easy as possible and stress free for everyone!


A Key West Christmas


Family: Halsall at Truman